Imaging & Engineering for Health 

Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre drives technology-led clinical research from world-leading innovative approaches in Imaging, Predictive Computational Modelling, Smart Devices/Sensor Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Engineering. We collaborate locally with industrial partners, providing transformative approaches that optimise and maximise the use of available medical technologies and digital-data, whilst reducing the cost of expensive diagnostics and interventions with innovative device-design, data-linkage, digital-twins and modelling.

Our Imaging and Engineering for Health Theme uses a population-driven data-centric approach across South Yorkshire to understand variations in disease prevalence. We work with our EDI programme to develop innovative strategies that reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality. Our data will drive the science, thereby delivering research that has high relevance to patient health and the healthcare system. The technologies we develop will enable AI to make new discoveries and will also ensure privacy and empower patient control over data through innovative approaches. Our research focuses on the most cost-effective technologies relevant to diseases with high burden.

Our aims 

Over the next 5 years, we aim to:

Imaging & Engineering Theme Lead

Visit Professor Jim Wild's webpage on the University of Sheffield Website

Professor Jim Wild

Professor Wild joined the University of Sheffield in 2000 and has expertise in the physics and engineering and clinical applications of hyperpolarised gas and proton MRI in the lungs and pulmonary vasculature.

Read more about Professor Wild on the University of Sheffield website

Imaging & Engineering Sub-Themes 

Visit the dedicated Imaging Subtheme Page


Visit the dedicated Predictive Imaging Subtheme Page

Predictive Medicine

Visit the dedicated Smart Devices and Sensors Subtheme Page

Smart Devices and Sensors

Visit the dedicated Advanced Manufacturing Subtheme Page

Advanced Manufacturing

Sheffield BRC > Research themes > Imaging & Engineering