For Researchers
Starting your research journey
Congratulations! You’ve already taken your first steps on your path in research.
To help you continue on that journey we’ve got some suggested ways you can engage more with research, supporting the ever-improving care the NHS can provide to patients.
Find out what research is happening in Sheffield and how you can get involved
If you’re interested to know more about opportunities to support research in your organisation, or make it part of your career, a great starting place is your research department. They can help you discover what research is taking place and ways to get involved.
Stay informed about the latest evidence in your specialty
Stay informed on practices and treatments which could benefit your patients. Get short, accessible summaries of the latest important research from the NIHR and others.
Make patients aware of the opportunities to participate
The NIHR ‘Be Part of Research’ website enables patients and members of the public to find out how they can get involved and help improve patient care. Pass on to your patients who may be interested.
Learn more about research
Join the NIHR’s free online course and find out how medical treatments are discovered, tested and evaluated.