World Parkinson’s Day sees the launch of the UK Parkinson’s Clinical Studies Group
Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world.
1 in 37 people alive today in the UK will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s in their lifetime.
Annual costs resulting from Parkinson’s exceed $50 billion dollars in the US alone.
Parkinson’s continues to be relentlessly progressive. Only some of the many symptoms people with Parkinson’s experience respond to treatment. Professor Oliver Bandmann is therefore delighted to officially launch the UK Parkinson’s Clinical Study Group (UK-PD-CSG) today. The main aim of the PD-CSG will be to ensure improved patient access to Parkinson’s clinical trials across the UK. The PD-CSG is funded by Cure Parkinson’s, will have strong patient representation and is supported by all key stakeholder organisations. We will particularly focus our efforts on neuroprotection trials for Parkinson’s in the hope to soon have treatment which would slow down the progression of this currently relentless condition.